So the charges against Jacob Zuma have been dropped by South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). Yeah, so its been droppped on technical grounds, but really if it wasn't this it might have been something else... It had been discovered that the former chief investigator had manipulated the 'legal process'. Well, this may be true, but I honestly didn't hold much hope of Zuma been charged either way. So I ask, what's going on with our country?
Maybe I've become way too cynical about our country, but I am not surprised by yesterdays news. Yes, I had been holding a slight ray of hope, but it has been proven that I was right in my mistrust. We all sat glued to the screens during the Zuma rape trial, it seemed merely a legal formality for the court process to be carried out, but then Zuma was found not guilty. How is it so that Zuma is able to continuously evade the hand of the law... Schabir Shaik has been prosecuted on charges of corruption, and Zuma has been linked to him, yet Zuma walks off spot free...
And the most surprising thing is that he still has so many supporters! After all of this one would think that people will be weary of Zuma and more sceptical about him and his policies, yet people still believe that he is fit to be our president...Its a hard hitting fact and in our strained political times a lot of people have opted to emmigrate. While I do not agree with the idea and don't believe that this will solve anything, I can understand where these people are coming from.
The 2009 national elections are nearing in on us every day. The decision of who to vote for is going to be a tough one. I believe that the ANC has lost it's principles and is now a domineering force in South Africa, monopolising the government and the country, and just striving for power. COPE presented a ray of hope when they miraculousy formed, but can they make a difference...The DA has been trying to loosen the stronghold of the ANC for years, and they have so far proved the most successful...but they have yet been able to created an equal enough playing field within the running of this country....
So, what do we do...What can we do...Many have developed an apathy towards voting, sometimes I share their feelings...but essentially, every vote does really count. We are lucky enough to have the voting system that we which allows for smaller party's to hold a seat in parliament, and every seat can make a difference. So, whether you believe its worth it or not, you should just vote, because apart from the fact that many people have died for us to get the right to vote, you owe it to your future to vote, and be counted. In a country, as an ordinary person who doesn't really stand out, and doesn't have a voice to get out there, by voting you are making a difference, and giving yourself a voice.
Yours in prayer for our country...