I personally do not like borrowing anything from anyone unless I absolutely have to. The thing is you never know what could go wrong!
If you borrow an outfit, you've got to be super careful and maybe even starve yourself for fear of getting those darn oil stains on it, but as careful as you may be some dimwit may bump into you and drop a bowl or curry or tea (or something) on you. The outfit may somehow get ripped. How do you then return this person's precious outfit to them after that... I once learnt someone one of my favourite jerseys/hoodies and she broke the zipper. I was traumatized! So I certainly wouldn't like to do that to someone as unintentional and accidental as it may be.
With DVDs and CD's too just about anything can happen, the disk could get scratched somehow, it could get jammed in your player... Or any number of things that I can't even think off!
I think I've made my point, so before I end up on bigger things and a never ending post, I'll stop myself.
The major issue is that, as much as I don't mind helping people out and the whole 'sharing is caring' and what not, I really hate it when people ask to borrow stuff. There are certain things I don't mind lending to certain people, because I know that I can trust them with it. But that's a VERY small list - I'm extremely finicky about how I keep the things that are important to me (such as my books and shoes, among other stuff). The problem is that I have this inability to say no to people. I always end up giving them what they want or doing what they ask for even if it puts me completely out. Which is why I'd rather people just NOT ASK.
I do understand that sometimes things just happen. My friend once learnt me a DVD and I completely forgot about it until a year later and then returned it to her. However, it was in a cupboard in my house all the time!
Anyhoo, so the whole point of this discussion is that last year a friend saw a new DVD at my house and just had to watch it, so she asked to borrow it. Alas, I could not say no. So she took it home with her, and I thought nothing of it. I assumed she was reliable when it came to DVDs and would return it in time. Months passed. I wanted to watch the movie as I had yet to do so. I asked for it, and it turns out she learnt it to someone else, without asking me first! Now this is a HUGE borrowing no-no! You ALWAYS get permission from the owner before lending to a third party!
So I let it slide and said okay, get it back to me when 'third party' is done with it. I ask again a few weeks later and she has forgotten to get it back, but promises to do so ASAP. I leave it to her to get back to me on it as I don't want to seem like a pest constantly nagging about one DVD. Come new year and I decide to ask about it and she has NO idea what I am talking about! She has no recollection of this ever happening and that she owes me a DVD! I'm just angry, but I feel too bad to make a big scene about it and decide to just leave it be and write it off as a movie lost and never to be seen again. (I seriously need to work on my confrontational issues and feeling bad about hurting other people's feelings, 'cause they certainly don't seem to consider mine...).
Then a few months ago, she comes over and helps herself to our DVDs and asks to borrow ANOTHER DVD - I had NO idea what to do. I tried saying no, but it just wouldn't come out! Thank goodness my sister was there and she said no and declared the matter closed - I'd never have been able to it.
The point is, try not to borrow things, and if you do please treat borrowed 'item' with care and remember to RETURN it! Its just rude and bad manners to borrow someone else's stuff and treat it badly and not return it!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
25 Books To Read in This Lifetime
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The amazing library from Disney's Beauty and the Beast |
Anyhoo, going through my little 'library' I got to thinking about the books that I've read that were just so awesome and some even life changing and I thought about how my life might have been different had I not read those books and that made me truly sad. I do get ever so attached to books. They're much more reliable than human beings are.
And I thought of all those lists out there, "100 Books to Read" and what not... So I decided to make my own list of books to read. This is just based on books that I have read to date, there are many 'major' titles that I have not gotten round to reading yet, and so do not think that I have overlooked them, its just that I simply cannot be a judge of something I have no personal experience/knowledge off. Also, I am sure that as time goes on and I read more books, my list will grow, but this is my list based on the now. So here is my list of books (in no particular order) you should read in this lifetime:
- To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
- The Wind on Fire Trilogy by William Nicholson
- The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint by Brady Udall
- His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman
- Shades by Marguerite Poland
- The Percy Jackson series (As well as the Heroes of Olympus series which is AMAZING) by Rick Riordan
- Hamlet by Shakespeare (not usually a Shakespeare fan, but this play is just that amazing)
- The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
- The Heart of Redness by Zakes Mda
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
- To Sir With Love by E. R. Braithwaite
- Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
- Spud by John van de Ruit (there are three more books in the series and while they are good I feel that this is the best and the others just sort of lack something after the first book)
- The Twilight Saga (Because I am also a soppy girl on the inside, and this is not to be judged by the movies)
- The Shadow Child by Judith Lennox
- The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce
- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- Noughts & Crosses series by Malorie Blackman
- Chromosome 6 by Robin Cook
- Agatha Christie (any of her books)
- Aidan Chambers novels
- Reginald Hill novels
- Along Came A Spider by James Patterson
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Goo Goo Dolls - Slide
Absolutely love this song. Such beautifully music. The Goo Goo Dolls are truly amazing. Currently have this song on repeat. *sigh*
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Best comedy shows to watch...
I've just started watching "Only Fools And Horses" and I wish I'd decided to watch it sooner! I've had it since some time last year, but I just never thought it worth watching (which is what happens with me and most series, I end up watching them by accident or out of utter boredom). Yesterday I just decided to give "Only Fools And Horse" a try (seeing as I'm taking a break from novels, or at least until I get my hands on Twilight-New Moon). And I didn't want to watch something that was too long or serious. "Only Fools And Horses" is only about 30 minutes an episode, give or take a few minutes. And it certainly seemed like a comedy. So I gave it a try and do NOT regret it - its hilarious!
So, as I was watching this I thought about the comedy series I've watched. I'm a huge comedy fan, but I tend to be a bit fussy about shows (as I am with most stuff I guess). I will watch just about anything, but it doesn't mean I'll think it any good. I'm not very big on slapstick comedy, though I might like the odd one or two and have a good laugh here and there with them, on the whole - not a big fan. And though South Park may have it's moments, its not something I'd watch to have a real good laugh nor do I consider it good comedy. On the other hand though, not everyone shares my sense of humour and taste as such... But such is life and this is mine, so... :)
I thought I'd just list the shows that have given me a great many laughs and are worth wasting time over. I might have forgotten a few, and may have left out a good few that other's would have put on their lists, but this is because I have either yet to have watched it myself, or I just don't think it good enough... So these are some awesome comedy shows (in no particular order) that I have watched and think are awesome (AND hilarious, well DUH):
So, as I was watching this I thought about the comedy series I've watched. I'm a huge comedy fan, but I tend to be a bit fussy about shows (as I am with most stuff I guess). I will watch just about anything, but it doesn't mean I'll think it any good. I'm not very big on slapstick comedy, though I might like the odd one or two and have a good laugh here and there with them, on the whole - not a big fan. And though South Park may have it's moments, its not something I'd watch to have a real good laugh nor do I consider it good comedy. On the other hand though, not everyone shares my sense of humour and taste as such... But such is life and this is mine, so... :)
I thought I'd just list the shows that have given me a great many laughs and are worth wasting time over. I might have forgotten a few, and may have left out a good few that other's would have put on their lists, but this is because I have either yet to have watched it myself, or I just don't think it good enough... So these are some awesome comedy shows (in no particular order) that I have watched and think are awesome (AND hilarious, well DUH):
- The IT Crowd (UK)
- The Big Bang Theory
- That Mitchell and Webb Look
- Father Ted
- 30 Rock
- Robot Chicken
- The Office
- Only Fools And Horses (of course!)
- Sketch U Later (for those few South African's who were fortunate enough to catch the few episodes aired on SABC 3)
- Malcolm in the Middle
- Everybody Hates Chris
- Modern Family
- Friends
- Spin City (the Michael J Fox days)
- Two and a Half Men (here and there, it has its moments, though not so good after the like 5th or 6th season)
- Titus (oh so awesome)
- That 70s Show (it should have ended WAY sooner though, Jackie should NOT have gone through most of the gang and what is That 70s Show without ERIC?! Dumbest last season EVER)
- Arrested Development (heard that it's making a comeback - waiting eagerly!)
- Better Off Ted
- Mr Bean (an all time favourite - classic)
- Mind Your Language
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Knock You Down - Khaya Mthethwa (live)
Khaya Mthethwa, of SA Idols, performs "Knock You Down" at the East Cost Radio Durban Day concert.
"Speech" - is a prank of Parliament by Emily Dickinson
"Speech" - is a prank of Parliament -
"Tears" - is a trick of the nerve -
But the Heart with the heaviest freight on -
Doesn't - always - move-
Random Guy Dancing
Just a random dude dancing in the crowd at East Cost Radio's Durban Day at the Moses Mabhida people's park - 9 September 2012.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
These kids are sooo cute!
I just couldn't help myself taking a few snaps of these adorable little kids. They are just so cute! :)
Durban Day - FAIL
*Sniff sniff*
Yes, this is a bit of a delayed post. Durban Day was on Sunday, and I'm posting this 2 days later. I just needed some time to be able to deal and get over everything. Alas, I don't think I will. Writing this post and I feel the tears welling up in my eyes...
So this is how the story goes...
I was extremely psyched about Durban Day - to see the Parlotones! I have super love for the Parlotones. So I head off to the Moses Mabhida peoples park all set for an awesome day, the weather was certainly obliging.
Obviously the Parlotones will come on last, as they are the main act, as well as best... So I'm forced to sit through all the other performances, but I don't mind and I find that I actually enjoyed the music and was having a good time, even though they took really long to set up for each performance. Which got most people annoyed as it truly was a waste of time. But I was all good, until Lira came on... No offence, I'm sure she's good and all, but I just don't like her songs. Just not a fan at all. And she was on stage FOREVER! (Well that's how it seemed to me). So I just sat myself down and decided to just chill until the Parlotones came on.
However, luck and good fortune were not on my side. My dear friend could not take it any longer. She was complaining about being tired since around 5pm. I kept trying to stall her and told her she'll definitely be home and in bed by 9pm. Eventually she just gave up asking and suggesting and told me "phone your dad and tell him to pick us up". She wanted to go home and sleep. She had work the next day. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't phone 'cause my dad wouldn't hear me with all the noise. So I HAD to sms him. She watched as I typed and kept asking about it until he called to let us know he was there.
We walked out. I felt my entire body shake. I wasn't even seen clearly I just kept on walking. I felt the tears in my eyes. I had to keep them in though. Even though I just felt like breaking down. And she hugs ma and is like "sorry". I'm like "its okay", when it wasn't. I just felt too bad to tell her the truth. And I was just trying to keep myself from falling apart. I could not believe that I was walking away from the Parlotones! That I was RIGHT THERE and I was just leaving before seeing them! After having paid a hundred bucks, travelling all the way to Durban, and waiting the entire afternoon just to see them perform, to only walk away just before they could...
I wasn't angry. I am now. After everything has set in... And I realised I would have stuck through anything for her... And she knew how important this was to me... And she wasn't asleep by 9... But I wasn't angry then, I was just extremely sad and disappointed. I still am. I'm officially in depression. I now know better than to take her to concerts... I'd rather go alone or not go at all than to get all psyched up and pay for it and not see my band.
I have nothing more to say. Its too painful.
Yes, this is a bit of a delayed post. Durban Day was on Sunday, and I'm posting this 2 days later. I just needed some time to be able to deal and get over everything. Alas, I don't think I will. Writing this post and I feel the tears welling up in my eyes...
So this is how the story goes...
I was extremely psyched about Durban Day - to see the Parlotones! I have super love for the Parlotones. So I head off to the Moses Mabhida peoples park all set for an awesome day, the weather was certainly obliging.
Obviously the Parlotones will come on last, as they are the main act, as well as best... So I'm forced to sit through all the other performances, but I don't mind and I find that I actually enjoyed the music and was having a good time, even though they took really long to set up for each performance. Which got most people annoyed as it truly was a waste of time. But I was all good, until Lira came on... No offence, I'm sure she's good and all, but I just don't like her songs. Just not a fan at all. And she was on stage FOREVER! (Well that's how it seemed to me). So I just sat myself down and decided to just chill until the Parlotones came on.
However, luck and good fortune were not on my side. My dear friend could not take it any longer. She was complaining about being tired since around 5pm. I kept trying to stall her and told her she'll definitely be home and in bed by 9pm. Eventually she just gave up asking and suggesting and told me "phone your dad and tell him to pick us up". She wanted to go home and sleep. She had work the next day. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't phone 'cause my dad wouldn't hear me with all the noise. So I HAD to sms him. She watched as I typed and kept asking about it until he called to let us know he was there.
We walked out. I felt my entire body shake. I wasn't even seen clearly I just kept on walking. I felt the tears in my eyes. I had to keep them in though. Even though I just felt like breaking down. And she hugs ma and is like "sorry". I'm like "its okay", when it wasn't. I just felt too bad to tell her the truth. And I was just trying to keep myself from falling apart. I could not believe that I was walking away from the Parlotones! That I was RIGHT THERE and I was just leaving before seeing them! After having paid a hundred bucks, travelling all the way to Durban, and waiting the entire afternoon just to see them perform, to only walk away just before they could...
I wasn't angry. I am now. After everything has set in... And I realised I would have stuck through anything for her... And she knew how important this was to me... And she wasn't asleep by 9... But I wasn't angry then, I was just extremely sad and disappointed. I still am. I'm officially in depression. I now know better than to take her to concerts... I'd rather go alone or not go at all than to get all psyched up and pay for it and not see my band.
I have nothing more to say. Its too painful.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
When you can't tell the difference between television and reality...
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A limerick for the day
"A peanut sat on the railway track,
It's heart was was all a-flutter.
Along came a train.
The eight-fifteen -
Toot toot! Peanut butter!"
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
They Shut Me Up in Prose - Emily Dickinson
They shut me up in Prose --
As when a little Girl
They put me in the Closet --
Because they liked me "still" --
Still! Could themself have peeped --
And seen my Brain -- go round --
They might as wise have lodged a Bird
For Treason -- in the Pound --
Himself has but to will
And easy as a Star
Abolish his Captivity --
And laugh -- No more have I --
Durban Day - 2012
The East Coast Radio Durban Day has finally arrived!
I went for the Maritzburg Day last year, which featured the Parlotones as well as Plush, Jeremy Loops and some other folks. I truly loved it. It's an amazing day to just chill and enjoy good music.
I've been looking forward to Maritzburg Day this year ever since, however, I have heard absolutely nothing of it and am assuming that they've decided that the Pietermaritzburg is just not worth it *sigh*.
Alas I heard about the Durban Day concert on the radio and heard that the Parlotones will be there and decided that I've just got to go!
However, I live in Pietermaritzburg. So this involves some planning. I've spoken to some people, unfortunately this all depends on whether or not they decide to go.
So fingers crossed...
The event is set to start around 12pm this Sunday, 9 September 2012, and tickets are available from Computicket at R100. Tickets will be available on the day at the gate for R120. The line up includes some bands and singers and people and stuff as well as the PARLOTONES!!!
I went for the Maritzburg Day last year, which featured the Parlotones as well as Plush, Jeremy Loops and some other folks. I truly loved it. It's an amazing day to just chill and enjoy good music.
I've been looking forward to Maritzburg Day this year ever since, however, I have heard absolutely nothing of it and am assuming that they've decided that the Pietermaritzburg is just not worth it *sigh*.
Alas I heard about the Durban Day concert on the radio and heard that the Parlotones will be there and decided that I've just got to go!
However, I live in Pietermaritzburg. So this involves some planning. I've spoken to some people, unfortunately this all depends on whether or not they decide to go.
So fingers crossed...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Jaadu Hai Nasha Hai - Jism
I'm just in this mood... Shreya Ghoshal has a truly beautiful voice that just entrances me. Don't like the video for this song, or the movie (Jism) but the songs are great. And I don't judge a song by the movie it features in.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
He Is Yahweh
Another absolutely beautiful song that just gives me the jitters (and makes me nostalgic).
A Football Match - By A Non-Believer
I watched my 1st Premier League football match today - Liverpool vs Arsenal (or as I refer to them "Livers vs Arse"). This was probably the 4th (maybe 5th) soccer game I've watched in my entire life. (Yeah, shocker! I'm NOT a big football lover!) The 1st match I watched was the 2006 FIFA World Cup final, 2nd - a random match between Chelsea and Livers in 2008 and the 2010 World Cup final (I know, I'm such a fanatic!) Haha
Anyhoo so we ended up watching the match at an Indian sports club/bar - which meant that it was full of hectic Indian football fanatics (and they only support European football teams!) Now if you're an Indian you'll understand the craze of European football - you can pick on a dude's girlfriend or wife, maybe even his car and get away with it, but diss his soccer team and you're in TROUBLE! I actually don't understand the craze, I mean its a bunch of blokes kicking a ball around a field and they're not even from our own country! But it truly is a phenomena.
NOW, back to today, we end up at this bar full of Indians. The only reason I'm here is because the boyfriend thinks I should show an interest and get more involved... The game starts. I'm watching the screen. There's guys in red shirts and guys in dark blue shirts with black stripes. The blue shirts are so pretty! I can't stop admiring them. I'm called a traitor (surprise surprise! The boyfriend's a Livers supporter). So I try and pay attention to whats going on.
The reds kick the ball around. The blues kick the ball around. The reds attempt a kick at goal - they miss. Everyone in the room starts shouting at the screen (even louder and more profane than before). The kicking continues and goes on. At some point Arsenal manages to score a goal, at which everyone completely loses it and everyone involved in the ACTUAL game is a complete idiot. Arsenal somehow score another goal! People in the room become livid! They just cannot believe this is happening! And everyone must be against Liverpool, especially the ref. I burst out laughing and quickly try to suppress it, the barmaid has seen it though and she joins in saying "they take it too seriously". They're feeling swak, but they're still holding out in hope that Livers can make a miraculous comeback, or at the least salvage it somehow and lose with some dignity. Livers makes a near play for goal, but the goalie saves it. Everyone yells out completely distraught. The boyfriend screams out in anguish and bashes his fist onto the bar counter top. I try to suppress the urge to laugh. The barmaid looks at this scene and yells out to the boyfriend, "they're NOT going to score! Liverpool is NEVER going to score! Understand that!" and laughs. I burst out laughing.
The game continues. Extra time is added. No more goals are scored. Final score: Livers 0 Arse 2.
The bar is in depression. We leave.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Eagle Christian Centre - Prayer Banquet
Eagle Christian Centre - Prayer Banquet, a set on Flickr.
These are some pics from the Prayer Banquet held by Eagle Christian Centre last night. For more on Eagle Christian Centre check out their Facebook page.
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