Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Why do you? Would he? - Name changing after marriage.

Yes, we all have the right to make our own decisions. And, yeah, I shouldn't judge. I really shouldn't judge. I have no right to. I'm in no place to. And I just shouldn't do it.

But, I just can't process this. A great deal of the girls I schooled with/studied with are now married. And not one of them kept their surname. Every single girl, now lady, that I studied with at some point in my life and is now married has taken on the surname of her husband and become a Mrs.

I KNOW it's a personal choice. But I just cant deal with this. At all. I could never just give up my surname, a huge part of my identity, and just take on another. We're in 2015, yet there is not a single woman I know who did not just drop off half of her identity for that of the current man they now call husband. Well all except my sister who has kept our surname with pride.

It really is none of my business, but I feel really angry about this. The fact that all these woman can so thoughtlessly give up a huge part of themselves... The fact that they don't even question why the man gets to keep his. The fact that they don't question why they have to lose part of their identity and just take on the man's. The fact that they just accept the status quo, which isn't even a forced status quo any more!The fact that they so proudly want to be called Mrs so and so! What pride is there in being known in relation to someone else and not as yourself?!

I'm not saying you shouldn't be proud to be married and shouldn't be proud of your husband and what not. Just, be more proud of who you are and where you come from.