Saturday, February 17, 2018

My 2017 Read List

It seems that each year I push writing this post further and further down. This year it was not for a lack of time. This year I delayed this post because I was in denial.

I was in denial about having read so few books. I was in denial about not meeting my reading goal for the year. I set one goal for myself all year, and that's usually 'cause I don't like failing so I set goals I think I can actually achieve.

Last year my goal was to read 30 books. My 2016 goal was to read 25 books and I accomplished that. So I figured a good progressive goal would be to up it by 5. It didn't work out so well. I didn't even make it to 25 books!

Oh, the shame!

I can make excuses till morning come. Oh, I was so really busy last year ( I really was!). I just didn't have the time. When I was free I'd be so tired I'd just spend that free time eating, watching series and sleeping. I had a really long trip which consumed much of my time. It is all true. But none of these are good enough an excuse for only reading 24 books.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that reading 24 books is not an accomplishment. I believe reading anything at all is an accomplishment. The issue here is that I set myself a goal and let myself down by not completing it.

But, I am back on the book train. And I am more than determined to make good on my promises to myself this year. So I am reading away. Trying my best at least. But making sure I still have fun. We have to remember that reading is fun. So don't force yourself to read anything you do not enjoy (unless it is for school - sorry guys) and you are not obliged to read unless you feel like reading. It must be a pleasurable experience. Remember that.

So happy reading guys. And here's to a happier 2018 read list post... *cheers*

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I went to the library

I went to the library the other day. Now this shouldn't be something worth telling, of course, because don't I always go to be library...

However, I had decided that I was going to abstain from the library this year. Due to my ever growing pile of books that I've yet to read at home. I thought I should maybe try tackling these and dedicating my time to them before borrowing yet more books. And once I was at least a decent way through a chunk of these then I could go to the library.

A small portion of my to be read books

And so I started. I'd managed to buy a handful of books on holiday and so I'd begun with these. I read about two books. And hit a slump. I couldn't find anything I wanted to read. I started at least three different books and just could not get into them. My brain just couldn't get excited for it. And I battled. I really really wanted to be reading and absorbing stories. But nothing was catching my attention. And I was dying. 

So I finally decided that that was it. This torture was enough. I will go to the library. And so I "rewarded" myself with a trip to the library. I told myself that I'd just get one book. Just to help me along. Let's not get carried away. Get one outsider to help me along with my reading. Yeaaaah, as can be assumed, that didn't quite go as planned. I came out with five books. ðŸ™ˆ

And I am so excited about all five of these books!
My library books 

My theory is, when buying books I'm a bit fussier and play it a bit safe. Sticking to authors and titles I know and have heard of. Story types I know I like. And so I end up with a ton of similar stuff in my collection at home. However, when I borrow books, my money is not at risk of being wasted here, so I'm more likely to just borrow any old thing that catches my eye. And sometimes these end up being the most exciting reads! 

So to everyone out there who's got a huge to be read pile at home but still buys more books and goes out borrowing more - don't let anyone make you feel guilty! Also it's your life so you should do what you want.