Saturday, October 25, 2014
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Serenade - CrashCarBurn
This is one of my all time absolute favourite songs. My heart just overflows every time I listen to this song. Words cannot explain my love for this song. *sigh* Watching Crash Car Burn perform this song live was one of the best/most memorable/happiest moments in my life and I would give most anything to watch them perform this song live again. *double sigh*
Friday, August 8, 2014
Books I would reread
I absolutely love reading. And I love my books. However, I wouldn't really want to reread them all. I only properly thought about this recently (like yesterday) and I was quite surprised to find out how few books I would actually want to reread (if I ever got the chance to). I had always sort of assumed it would be a substantial list, but I guess I just didn't know myself well enough...
There are a few books I wouldn't mind rereading, if I ever managed to read ALL the books in the entire universe and then had some time to spare... But the list of books that I would actually make the time to reread is seriously tiny. Many "serious" readers will probably judge me for this and have many belittling things to say about this, but I don't care. I read for myself and no one else, so get lost you snobs.
Also, there could be some books that have just completely escaped my memory, but yeah, I know, if I don't remember them then why would I want to reread them, right? And also, there could be books that I might want to add on in the future, I just haven't read those books for the FIRST time yet.
Anyhoo, these are the books I would reread:
There are a few books I wouldn't mind rereading, if I ever managed to read ALL the books in the entire universe and then had some time to spare... But the list of books that I would actually make the time to reread is seriously tiny. Many "serious" readers will probably judge me for this and have many belittling things to say about this, but I don't care. I read for myself and no one else, so get lost you snobs.
Also, there could be some books that have just completely escaped my memory, but yeah, I know, if I don't remember them then why would I want to reread them, right? And also, there could be books that I might want to add on in the future, I just haven't read those books for the FIRST time yet.
Anyhoo, these are the books I would reread:
- Middlemarch by George Eliot
- Shades by Marguerite Poland
- To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
I absolutely love these books and could never tire of them, though there are a good few sections of Middlemarch that I could do without, but the rest of the novel is none the less amazing.
Monday, July 28, 2014
I was better off before I could drive
Ever since I got my licence, got access to a car and started driving regularly (yes, it was a process, I didn't just start driving) I have become so lazy!
The thought just came to me today when I got to campus after work and was thinking that I'd like to go down to Checkers later. I thought about walking down to save petrol (which has become ridiculously expensive), but then I was overcome with this sudden extreme sense of dread and tiredness. And just didn't feel like going at all if I had to walk there. And I realised just how lazy I have become.
Before I could drive I used to do that walk at least once a day. Sometimes even two or three times a day! I would be dropped off at campus quite early in the morning by my dad and picked up quite late in the afternoon on his way home from work, so I had a LOT of time on my hands. I would even walk to shopping centers much further away than the Checkers. I'd also walk to my cousin's house for a visit during the day.
From home I would walk to the nearby library. I'd walk to many families homes nearby, would take a walk down to the local hub-bub (Raisethorpe, for those of you who know Pietermaritzburg. I've even walked to Raisethorpe from home, walked the whole of Raisethorpe and then back home!) When I started work I would walk a couple streets to my office from my sister's office because our building only opened much later. I would also walk to her office after work, or to town or the mall if I didn't have a lift when I finished work...
But, now that I have a car (not my own car, just a car I'm allowed to drive) and I can drive myself everywhere, I won't even walk to the shop up the road for bread and milk.
It's really quite bad when you think about it. As much as I love driving (soooo love it!) and love the independence that comes with it, I must say, I think I might have been better off before I could drive. And, this is just a thought, but this could partly explain why I've put on so much weight...
However, as much as I enjoy walking and think that it is something I should do, I know I'm just far too lazy to really do anything about it. I am a creature of comfort and I quite enjoy the comfort of not having to walk everywhere.
So, yeah, I was better off before I could drive, but life is so much simpler and quicker now... And, I mean really, how many of you guys still walk around everywhere if you can be driven there? We are creatures of the modern day and we shall suffer for it, but we'll be happy none the less.
The thought just came to me today when I got to campus after work and was thinking that I'd like to go down to Checkers later. I thought about walking down to save petrol (which has become ridiculously expensive), but then I was overcome with this sudden extreme sense of dread and tiredness. And just didn't feel like going at all if I had to walk there. And I realised just how lazy I have become.
Before I could drive I used to do that walk at least once a day. Sometimes even two or three times a day! I would be dropped off at campus quite early in the morning by my dad and picked up quite late in the afternoon on his way home from work, so I had a LOT of time on my hands. I would even walk to shopping centers much further away than the Checkers. I'd also walk to my cousin's house for a visit during the day.
From home I would walk to the nearby library. I'd walk to many families homes nearby, would take a walk down to the local hub-bub (Raisethorpe, for those of you who know Pietermaritzburg. I've even walked to Raisethorpe from home, walked the whole of Raisethorpe and then back home!) When I started work I would walk a couple streets to my office from my sister's office because our building only opened much later. I would also walk to her office after work, or to town or the mall if I didn't have a lift when I finished work...
But, now that I have a car (not my own car, just a car I'm allowed to drive) and I can drive myself everywhere, I won't even walk to the shop up the road for bread and milk.
It's really quite bad when you think about it. As much as I love driving (soooo love it!) and love the independence that comes with it, I must say, I think I might have been better off before I could drive. And, this is just a thought, but this could partly explain why I've put on so much weight...
However, as much as I enjoy walking and think that it is something I should do, I know I'm just far too lazy to really do anything about it. I am a creature of comfort and I quite enjoy the comfort of not having to walk everywhere.
So, yeah, I was better off before I could drive, but life is so much simpler and quicker now... And, I mean really, how many of you guys still walk around everywhere if you can be driven there? We are creatures of the modern day and we shall suffer for it, but we'll be happy none the less.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
"How To Stop Parents from Comparing Kids (ft. Miranda Sings)"
I stumbled upon this awesome account on YouTube the other day, an an even more awesome chick! She is so cool! And I just think it's absolutely entertaining watching some of her videos (not all, I just don't see the point to some of them). I wanted to do something similar to what she's done, with the making of funny situational videos (honestly!) but I just don't have the resources, technological savvy, people to rope in and I'm lazy and just can't figure out exactly how to get it all done... But, anyhoo, this chick is super amazing and I just love what she's done in this particular video. So have look!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Sharks disappoint in Super Rugby semi-final

The Sharks have got to be the biggest disappointment of South Africa this year. They had such a promising start to their Super Rugby campaign this year and we all thought they would be able to pull this off.
Us die hard Sharks supporters/fans, really had our hopes up for them winning the Super Rugby title this year. Especially after their amazing defeat of the Crusaders in Christchurch. They made history that night and raised the hopes of everyone with that win. I mean, not just anyone can go to Christchurch and defeat the Crusaders on their home turf. To do so is like winning the iron throne of Westeros. It's EPIC.
And yet the Sharks managed to pull of this feat, return home, and lose their home game. I STILL want to kick Charl McCleod for kicking that ball in those last few minutes of their match against the Stormers in Durban.
The Sharks just could not keep up their performances, but still we hoped. We believed they could make a come back and win this.
Their first match after the break against the Cheetahs was pathetic. (Also, why is it that these South African teams that were on such bad form for the entire Super Rugby tournament, decided to play their best games against the Sharks? Really now?! Yeah, the Sharks were at their worst, but the other teams were at their best... )I cried after that match. But, I picked myself up and prayed for a win against the Stormers in Cape Town the following week. And the Sharks delivered. They managed to beat the Highlanders in the play offs and secure a semi-final.
We knew playing the Crusaders in the semis would not be easy. It would most definitely be one of the hardest matches any team would have to play. The Crusaders are like rugby gods, especially with Richie McCaw and Daniel Carter present.
The Sharks had the players. They knew what needed to be done and what they had to do. But they just did not show up for today's match. You couldn't even see our players! Where was Bismarck?! What happened to Marcell Coetzee? Lambie was the only player we really saw, and really Lambie, what happened? They had more than enough opportunities, you cannot say they didn't, yet they just did not/could not follow through and convert those into points. They made far too many errors. Kicked willy-nilly when they really should have tried harder to keep possession of the ball and aim for tries instead of just hope to get penalties.
Jake White is a world cup winning coach, yes. The Springboks did win the Rugby World Cup under his coaching in 2007. But, if anyone remembers, they did not win it with flourishing rugby. They won it by playing it safe and with the boot. And today has proven that you can NOT win every game that way. You HAVE to play full out rugby with all your heart and soul!
The truth is that the Sharks HAD what they needed to beat the Crusaders today, but they just did not play well. Far from it. The Crusaders played wonderful rugby and they were well deserved winners of the match.
I am in a depression about this loss, but congratulations to the Crusaders none the less.
I am in a depression about this loss, but congratulations to the Crusaders none the less.
So now I will just wallow in my depression, and then hope the Sharks make us proud in the Currie Cup.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A regular visit to the dentist
Ah the regular visit to the dentist. I'm a firm believer that unless you get into a major fight and get your teeth knocked about, or experience serious problems with your teeth, you really shouldn't have to go to the dentist. But, apparently it's just good health care sense to visit the dentist twice a year for a check up and a good clean and polish. Though I don't really notice a difference than when I just brush my teeth at home to be honest. But, if you're on a medical aid scheme in South Africa you're likely approved for those two visits a year, and seen as medical aid is RIDICULOUS, you're going to make the most of what you can (well I do anyway).
The thing is, much like with doctors (and pretty much most things) I would rather not go at all. If I collapse and die then we know something was wrong and I'm fine with finding out that way... But, I guess going to the dentist isn't quite as traumatic as going to a general practitioner. And, if it's free... :p
However, going to the dentist is still really quite awkward. For obvious reasons. But, yeah, I'll list the reasons as to why it is so awkward in the chance that no one else thinks so. Though, I am the queen of awkward. You could put me in the most un-awkward situation ever and I'd MAKE it awkward. So, who knows, maybe I'm the only one who finds going to the dentist to be an awkward situation, but anyhoo here are my reasons...
1. No matter what, before a visit to the dentist you always feel the need to brush your teeth beforehand. And you'll even go the extra length and floss and even use a mouthwash, despite the fact that you could care less about flossing generally. There's just this pressure of having to pretty up your teeth and breath for the dentist even though they are going to do exactly that for you. But, yeah, you don't really want the dentist to be picking food bits from your teeth and having to try not to pass out from your rancid breath. The problem with this is that you don't always have the opportunity to do this before going to the dentist, so you end up just trying to quickly suck on a sweet or chew some gum and pray you don't knock the dentist out.
2. Following the line of not wanting the dentist to have to pick out chunks of food from your mouth, because you don't want to end up in that uncomfortable situation you avoid all foods that can get trapped in or between your teeth all day and you avoid eating ANYTHING near to the time of your appointment. And if you just happened to be heading to the dentist straight after a long day at work and you missed lunch 'cause you were just too busy, well then you're going to just have to suffer in silence. Or suffer in a relatively quiet room with a strange rumble sound every now and then. You try to suppress the rumbles, but that doesn't work out so well. So you just lie there with your extremely vocal tummy while the dentist has their way with the insides of your mouth.
3. You get into the room and you lie down on that chair thingy. And what the hell are you supposed to do with your hands! You're just lying flat there and your hands just seem to be so huge and useless! Do you lay them at your sides? But then that seems too weird and rigid. Do you cross them at your chest? But that seems stern and even more rigid. Do you fold them in front of you? But that seems so formal. If you ball them into fists it looks like you're angry or in a huge deal of pain and terror. There's just no right way to deal with your huge hands when at the dentist! Or is there? Please do tell me. Please!
4. Also, what on earth do you do with your eyes! This is even worse than the hand situation. 'Cause the dentist is basically working right in your face! They're all up in your business, I mean they're in your mouth! You can't get much more personal than that (okay, you can, but you know what I mean). They're looking about in your mouth and you've both got on those ridiculous goggles and you're like, "right, this is fuuuuuuun, so where the hell do I look?!" Do I try and watch what's going on in my mouth? But I can't really see much, I'm seeing a very small part of this. And then you might just make eye contact with the dentist! And that would just be the mother of awkward situations! Do you look around... But there's not really much to look at, and if they notice you're looking it around it might seem weird that you're looking at nothing... Do you close your eyes? But then they'll be like you're too scared or they might think you're too relaxed and they might just end up giving you a black tooth!
5. As I've mentioned throughout 'cause, well, it's the thing you're most conscious of, the dentist will be right in your face. So if you have bad breath, they're very likely going to get a good whiff of it. And so you're entirely self conscious and praying that your breath doesn't smell as bad as you think it does even though you brushed and flossed and gargled and chewed an orbit before you could go in.
NOW tell me that going to the dentist is not awkward! People make a fuss about being scared to go to the dentist 'cause of the pain, puhleese, you should be more scared of the amount of awkwardness you'll be forced to deal with. Someone should really make a set of rules to help us better deal with these situations in the future. Just some guidelines to help make a simple visit to the dentist a little less awkward.
The thing is, much like with doctors (and pretty much most things) I would rather not go at all. If I collapse and die then we know something was wrong and I'm fine with finding out that way... But, I guess going to the dentist isn't quite as traumatic as going to a general practitioner. And, if it's free... :p
However, going to the dentist is still really quite awkward. For obvious reasons. But, yeah, I'll list the reasons as to why it is so awkward in the chance that no one else thinks so. Though, I am the queen of awkward. You could put me in the most un-awkward situation ever and I'd MAKE it awkward. So, who knows, maybe I'm the only one who finds going to the dentist to be an awkward situation, but anyhoo here are my reasons...
1. No matter what, before a visit to the dentist you always feel the need to brush your teeth beforehand. And you'll even go the extra length and floss and even use a mouthwash, despite the fact that you could care less about flossing generally. There's just this pressure of having to pretty up your teeth and breath for the dentist even though they are going to do exactly that for you. But, yeah, you don't really want the dentist to be picking food bits from your teeth and having to try not to pass out from your rancid breath. The problem with this is that you don't always have the opportunity to do this before going to the dentist, so you end up just trying to quickly suck on a sweet or chew some gum and pray you don't knock the dentist out.
2. Following the line of not wanting the dentist to have to pick out chunks of food from your mouth, because you don't want to end up in that uncomfortable situation you avoid all foods that can get trapped in or between your teeth all day and you avoid eating ANYTHING near to the time of your appointment. And if you just happened to be heading to the dentist straight after a long day at work and you missed lunch 'cause you were just too busy, well then you're going to just have to suffer in silence. Or suffer in a relatively quiet room with a strange rumble sound every now and then. You try to suppress the rumbles, but that doesn't work out so well. So you just lie there with your extremely vocal tummy while the dentist has their way with the insides of your mouth.
3. You get into the room and you lie down on that chair thingy. And what the hell are you supposed to do with your hands! You're just lying flat there and your hands just seem to be so huge and useless! Do you lay them at your sides? But then that seems too weird and rigid. Do you cross them at your chest? But that seems stern and even more rigid. Do you fold them in front of you? But that seems so formal. If you ball them into fists it looks like you're angry or in a huge deal of pain and terror. There's just no right way to deal with your huge hands when at the dentist! Or is there? Please do tell me. Please!
4. Also, what on earth do you do with your eyes! This is even worse than the hand situation. 'Cause the dentist is basically working right in your face! They're all up in your business, I mean they're in your mouth! You can't get much more personal than that (okay, you can, but you know what I mean). They're looking about in your mouth and you've both got on those ridiculous goggles and you're like, "right, this is fuuuuuuun, so where the hell do I look?!" Do I try and watch what's going on in my mouth? But I can't really see much, I'm seeing a very small part of this. And then you might just make eye contact with the dentist! And that would just be the mother of awkward situations! Do you look around... But there's not really much to look at, and if they notice you're looking it around it might seem weird that you're looking at nothing... Do you close your eyes? But then they'll be like you're too scared or they might think you're too relaxed and they might just end up giving you a black tooth!
5. As I've mentioned throughout 'cause, well, it's the thing you're most conscious of, the dentist will be right in your face. So if you have bad breath, they're very likely going to get a good whiff of it. And so you're entirely self conscious and praying that your breath doesn't smell as bad as you think it does even though you brushed and flossed and gargled and chewed an orbit before you could go in.
NOW tell me that going to the dentist is not awkward! People make a fuss about being scared to go to the dentist 'cause of the pain, puhleese, you should be more scared of the amount of awkwardness you'll be forced to deal with. Someone should really make a set of rules to help us better deal with these situations in the future. Just some guidelines to help make a simple visit to the dentist a little less awkward.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
What is up with all the spam?!
I haven't been on my blogger account in AGES! Yeah, I've been quite bad I know, but I've been super busy, so, forgive me...
So, I finally check my blog today, after ages... And, well, everything is pretty much the same. But, I checked the spam comments and it is flooded! Thank goodness "Blogger" has some sort of filter, or whatever it is, that sorts through all the comments and screens them and either publishes or marks as spam. I had no idea this was a feature, until I just happened to click on "spam" one day and found a bunch of comments.
Anyhoo, today I go and check out the spam comments, and it's over three pages! I haven't even gotten through all of them yet. It's quite annoying that there are so many people out there who will just flood other people's lives with their utter nonsense. Yeah, I get that some people want to create awareness of their blogs and websites and what not, but gosh, there's a limit people.
There are basically five types of blog spammers:
1. The people who at least try and make relevant comments on certain posts and then ask if you could check out their VALID blog or website. I don't really mind these so much. It's honest and at least they had the decency to actually read my blog and make a relevant comment. And it is kind of flattering. (If only there weren't so many of these!)
2. The people who make comments that just make NO sense whatsoever! For example, I had this one comment:
"Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your site when you could be giving us something informative to read?"
Okay, so I do post a lot of videos on my blog, agreed, but this comment was made on a written post, all writing, not a single video or picture was attached. And it was quite a lengthy post at that too. So, the least this person could have done was to at least comment on a video post. Maybe I'm being super fussy, but I think it just makes more sense to make a comment relevant to the specific topic at hand... Secondly, if this person actually took a thorough look at my blog, they would have seen quite a lot of written pieces as well as videos. I only post videos that I love or find fun and cool and entertaining and those I just think are pretty awesome. Okay, maybe I'm taking the comment a bit too harshly, but yeah, come on!
3. Then you get those who just post utter random shizz! Like this:
"I got this website frokm my buddy who informeed me concerning this web page and aat the moment this time I amm visiting this web page and reaÉ—Ñ–ng very informative posts here. Feel free too surf to my web blpog :: brewery beer glasses" - also on an irrelevant post.
And others who just say the most random things that don't make any sense. If the comments were actually made on posts that made sense, I might actually be falsely flattered, if all the grotesque spelling and grammar errors could be overlooked, but many are on posts to which the comments just do NOT relate on any level! Like the above one was made on a post of Emily Dickonson's poem "They Shut Me Up In Prose". Really now?!
4. Fourthly, you've got those who won't even bother trying to butter you up and being polite first. No. They just "WAM BAM! There you go" you. They will just post a link directly to their site or write some jargon and then give you a link to their site :
"Texas Hold Em Poker Recommendations on Tips on how to Be successful Carry Em Factor #a couple of. That's it in its most basic form, but there really is a lot more to it. The Kiwanis Club of Torrance hosts the annual Texas Hold 'Em Charity Poker Tournament on Sunday, May 19 at Palos Verdes Bowl. Feel free to surf to my web page :: university of texas poker table felt ".
5. Lastly, you have the people who will post a link, but yeah... You know what that is... They're generally links to porn sites or online dating sites or links that end up at pages telling you you've won something or if you sign up for this you can earn loads of money from the comfort of your very own home! And basically all those types of sites... You get the idea... I'm pretty sure everyone has ended up on one of those sites at least once...
Seriously guys, spam is ANNOYING! It takes a lot of time to have to filter through all that junk, thank goodness blogger does that for me, but it's still annoying having it in that spam folder. Please think twice (and then three more times thereafter) before sending nonsense such as this (all the above mentioned).
Just remember, nothing good ever comes from sending spam.
So, I finally check my blog today, after ages... And, well, everything is pretty much the same. But, I checked the spam comments and it is flooded! Thank goodness "Blogger" has some sort of filter, or whatever it is, that sorts through all the comments and screens them and either publishes or marks as spam. I had no idea this was a feature, until I just happened to click on "spam" one day and found a bunch of comments.
Anyhoo, today I go and check out the spam comments, and it's over three pages! I haven't even gotten through all of them yet. It's quite annoying that there are so many people out there who will just flood other people's lives with their utter nonsense. Yeah, I get that some people want to create awareness of their blogs and websites and what not, but gosh, there's a limit people.
There are basically five types of blog spammers:
1. The people who at least try and make relevant comments on certain posts and then ask if you could check out their VALID blog or website. I don't really mind these so much. It's honest and at least they had the decency to actually read my blog and make a relevant comment. And it is kind of flattering. (If only there weren't so many of these!)
2. The people who make comments that just make NO sense whatsoever! For example, I had this one comment:
"Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You clearly know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your site when you could be giving us something informative to read?"
Okay, so I do post a lot of videos on my blog, agreed, but this comment was made on a written post, all writing, not a single video or picture was attached. And it was quite a lengthy post at that too. So, the least this person could have done was to at least comment on a video post. Maybe I'm being super fussy, but I think it just makes more sense to make a comment relevant to the specific topic at hand... Secondly, if this person actually took a thorough look at my blog, they would have seen quite a lot of written pieces as well as videos. I only post videos that I love or find fun and cool and entertaining and those I just think are pretty awesome. Okay, maybe I'm taking the comment a bit too harshly, but yeah, come on!
3. Then you get those who just post utter random shizz! Like this:
"I got this website frokm my buddy who informeed me concerning this web page and aat the moment this time I amm visiting this web page and reaÉ—Ñ–ng very informative posts here. Feel free too surf to my web blpog :: brewery beer glasses" - also on an irrelevant post.
And others who just say the most random things that don't make any sense. If the comments were actually made on posts that made sense, I might actually be falsely flattered, if all the grotesque spelling and grammar errors could be overlooked, but many are on posts to which the comments just do NOT relate on any level! Like the above one was made on a post of Emily Dickonson's poem "They Shut Me Up In Prose". Really now?!
4. Fourthly, you've got those who won't even bother trying to butter you up and being polite first. No. They just "WAM BAM! There you go" you. They will just post a link directly to their site or write some jargon and then give you a link to their site :
"Texas Hold Em Poker Recommendations on Tips on how to Be successful Carry Em Factor #a couple of. That's it in its most basic form, but there really is a lot more to it. The Kiwanis Club of Torrance hosts the annual Texas Hold 'Em Charity Poker Tournament on Sunday, May 19 at Palos Verdes Bowl. Feel free to surf to my web page :: university of texas poker table felt ".
5. Lastly, you have the people who will post a link, but yeah... You know what that is... They're generally links to porn sites or online dating sites or links that end up at pages telling you you've won something or if you sign up for this you can earn loads of money from the comfort of your very own home! And basically all those types of sites... You get the idea... I'm pretty sure everyone has ended up on one of those sites at least once...
Seriously guys, spam is ANNOYING! It takes a lot of time to have to filter through all that junk, thank goodness blogger does that for me, but it's still annoying having it in that spam folder. Please think twice (and then three more times thereafter) before sending nonsense such as this (all the above mentioned).
Just remember, nothing good ever comes from sending spam.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Pitch Perfect - Trebles Finale
Absolutely LOVE this performance! And just watch Utkarsh Ambudkar (the Indian dude) - he is absolutely amazing! (You guys will be hearing the same from me when it comes to the Trebles performance of "You Spin Me Right Round") Benji is also super amazing awesome, but Utkarsh Ambudkar just steals the entire show for me. Super love for this dude.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Karkloof Canopy Tours
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All geared up and ready for our adventure |
It truly was an amazing experience and I now want to do the Drakensberg one. For more info check out: Karkloof Canopy Tours.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
When using public restrooms
I absolutely hate HATE using public restrooms. Whenever possible I will hold it in till I'm bursting from within and it hurts whether I stand or sit until I get home and can use my own clean and safe toilet. But, this isn't always possible (and not everyone is such a sucker for pain as I am) and there are those times when the call of nature is just too far across the border line of disaster to wait till you get home. And you find yourself being forced to make use of a public restroom. Public restrooms are a major societal facility/issue (I'm sure I don't need to explain myself here...) and therefore, there are certain rules that should be followed/things that should be done when it comes to using these facilities.
This is a simple guide on what do you when you're forced to use a public restroom:
This is a simple guide on what do you when you're forced to use a public restroom:
- Firstly, you need to think of YOUR safety first! These places are a cesspool of germs. (And yes, I know that so are many places and things, such as restaurant menus and tables and money, but I'm talking about public restrooms, so lets just keep it to that for now). So, the first rule to remember is to never touch anything directly! And if you do, always wash your hands or sanitize afterwards (preferably both)
- Once you're in, before entering a stall, you glance in. Make sure that the floor is clean! The last thing you want is to rush into a stall and as you get in you realize you're standing in a puddle of what you HOPE is water but looks suspiciously discoloured.
- Next you check if the toilet lid is up or down. If the lid is down, do NOT risk opening it. I repeat, do NOT lift up the lid of a public restroom toilet! Very rarely does anything good come of it. It's usually been left down for a reason... Common sense people!
- IF the lid is up (and the floor is clean) you then step slowly in. Making sure to take in everything of your surroundings to ensure that all is safe. You then glance into the pan. You do not STARE into it because you might find someone else's forgotten business in it, you glance so as to save yourself. In that quick moment you will be able to tell if it's safe or not.
- If it is safe, you then go in for a closer inspection. If all is safe at the surface level, your search for a toilet is done.
- Before you relieve yourself, make sure to thoroughly wipe the pan. You ALWAYS wipe the pan first! (No matter where you are).
- You then cover the pan with toilet paper - you never ever sit directly on a toilet pan unless it's your own! (If you live in a more fortunate country I hear they have paper covers provided) You are then ready to use the toilet. If possible you may squat (this is for women, men obviously don't have this dilemma, and only if you are sure that you won't spray or miss target... and also only if you're going for a one, which I assume is the only thing you would do in a public toilet).
- Now, you've relieved yourself and can be at ease. But, you have to leave the toilet in the way you would like to find it. First put the lid down, then flush. Flushing without closing the lid is extremely disgusting! So what if you're the one that used the toilet, you wouldn't wanna touch your own pee, would you? So, I'm sure you don't want it being sprayed all over you along with whatever other germ have been sitting in that toilet. Also, the water sometimes has a tendency to splash onto the toilet pan, and you don't want someone to walk in and wonder if that's urine or water. Either way its still gross though. So just close the toilet lid, then flush.
- You then lift the lid up and ensure that the toilet has flushed properly, if not, re-flush! If all is in order you may then leave the stall.
- You proceed to the basins and you wash your hands with soap! If there is any. A lot of times there isn't any so you just have to do a plain old water wash over. I prefer it when restrooms have those sensor operated taps, but that's not very common in South Africa at the moment. So you just have to deal with the normal taps that you have to touch.
- After washing your hands do NOT dry them with the hand dryer - hand dryers are unsanitary and actually spread more germs. Rather use a paper towel, if there are none, just leave your hands wet. They can air dry as you walk or you can get a napkin at some point or use your hankie if you have one (and it's clean).
- The best thing to do after this would be to sanitize your hands.
And THAT is a simple guide on what to do when using a public restroom, for both your own safety and others. If you stick to those guides you should find yourself coming out of a public restroom with minimum hassle and germs (obviously this does not include unforeseen circumstances). And please, if you do not already own hand sanitizer, please do buy some. They are relatively cheap and available in small handbag or even pocket-sized bottles and can be found in most stores like Pick n Pay, Checkers, Clicks and Dischem. You should ALWAYS have a bottle of sanitizer on you at all times.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I saw my primary school principal today
I saw my primary school principal today after 12 years. Okay, not 12, I lie, I did see him once when I was in high school about 8 years ago and he had remembered me then. I then saw him last year for a flicker of a moment and I guess he didn't have time to register my face, because he didn't say anything and so I thought he had forgotten who I was and that was that. And I'm not the type of person to really be the one to go up to someone.
So, he came in to the office today. I didn't expect him to know me after the last time... I greeted politely and he then asked my name. On hearing my name recognition registered. And he was like, "how could I NOT remember that cute little face when you were small". And goes on to say how he remembers how little I was and what not and asked after my family and myself.
He asked what I did after school, and I won't lie, I was shamefaced and trying to figure out a reason to explain my current situation. There is nothing wrong with being a secretary at all, so I'm not trying to belittle the position/job title in any way. But, I was one of their "good" students. And I know all my primary school teachers, especially the principal had had high hopes for me. So, it was a bit tough for me to be there in my current position. Especially after having studied 4 years to get an expensive degree and to then end up doing a job I could have walked into after high school.
Anyhoo, I told him that I studied to be a writer, though in my effort to convey this without using the words journalism or media, I ended up mumbling everything. So, I said I studied that, but could not get any jobs so I'm working at my current job and studying part time. I'm not sure if he fully gauged what I tried to say though...
I had always thought that if I were to bump into one of my school teachers it would be when I was doing quite well for myself and reasonably successful. And the teachers would be so proud and be like we always knew you would do well or make something of yourself. And then they'd go back and tell the story of how they met an ex student of theirs and the student has achieved this and that...
Okay, so I probably sound like a bit of a douche, but it's not that I had/have an air about myself or anything, it's just that I expected life to be so much simpler than it turned out to be. Yet, there are so many of my peers that have accomplished so much (and yeah I know you don't compare, I'm not, I'm just saying that others have done it and I don't know how and it sometimes seems unfair). So I was just disappointed that I didn't have "more" to show for myself when I met my old principal.
My life is nowhere near where I'd planned it to be at this age, and I feel the weight of that every single day. But, I keep trying to be positive and move on. Then, I see my old teacher and it all comes back tenfold.
It was a bitter sweet moment. I was truly happy that he remembered me but I wished that I had lived up to his expectations of me. He was one of my favourite teachers in primary school and was really and truly an amazing principal, we were truly lucky to have him. And having him see me now, it's like I've let him and myself down, as well as everyone who ever believed in me. And that just made me really sad.
But, I know I'm still relatively young. And my life isn't over yet, so I can still make something off it. I just wish I knew how and had more time. I wish time would stop running out and I'd get my early twenties back. I wish I could go back to primary school where everything was so simple and fun. I just wish a lot of things and I guess that's just what it'll be...
I wish.
So, he came in to the office today. I didn't expect him to know me after the last time... I greeted politely and he then asked my name. On hearing my name recognition registered. And he was like, "how could I NOT remember that cute little face when you were small". And goes on to say how he remembers how little I was and what not and asked after my family and myself.
He asked what I did after school, and I won't lie, I was shamefaced and trying to figure out a reason to explain my current situation. There is nothing wrong with being a secretary at all, so I'm not trying to belittle the position/job title in any way. But, I was one of their "good" students. And I know all my primary school teachers, especially the principal had had high hopes for me. So, it was a bit tough for me to be there in my current position. Especially after having studied 4 years to get an expensive degree and to then end up doing a job I could have walked into after high school.
Anyhoo, I told him that I studied to be a writer, though in my effort to convey this without using the words journalism or media, I ended up mumbling everything. So, I said I studied that, but could not get any jobs so I'm working at my current job and studying part time. I'm not sure if he fully gauged what I tried to say though...
I had always thought that if I were to bump into one of my school teachers it would be when I was doing quite well for myself and reasonably successful. And the teachers would be so proud and be like we always knew you would do well or make something of yourself. And then they'd go back and tell the story of how they met an ex student of theirs and the student has achieved this and that...
Okay, so I probably sound like a bit of a douche, but it's not that I had/have an air about myself or anything, it's just that I expected life to be so much simpler than it turned out to be. Yet, there are so many of my peers that have accomplished so much (and yeah I know you don't compare, I'm not, I'm just saying that others have done it and I don't know how and it sometimes seems unfair). So I was just disappointed that I didn't have "more" to show for myself when I met my old principal.
My life is nowhere near where I'd planned it to be at this age, and I feel the weight of that every single day. But, I keep trying to be positive and move on. Then, I see my old teacher and it all comes back tenfold.
It was a bitter sweet moment. I was truly happy that he remembered me but I wished that I had lived up to his expectations of me. He was one of my favourite teachers in primary school and was really and truly an amazing principal, we were truly lucky to have him. And having him see me now, it's like I've let him and myself down, as well as everyone who ever believed in me. And that just made me really sad.
But, I know I'm still relatively young. And my life isn't over yet, so I can still make something off it. I just wish I knew how and had more time. I wish time would stop running out and I'd get my early twenties back. I wish I could go back to primary school where everything was so simple and fun. I just wish a lot of things and I guess that's just what it'll be...
I wish.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Pitch Perfect: Don't Stop The Music Treblemakers
It's "Please Don't Stop The Music" as sung by theeee Treblemakers! - In the movie "Pitch Perfect". I only watched this movie this year, and I absolutely LOVE it! Okay, so the movie itself isn't exactly "top notch", but the whole music part and the performing/performances are just amazing. And as for the Indian dude! I SO LOVE him! He is spectacular! For me personally he steals the show. And he busts out his rap - oooooooh *swoon* He is so sweet and cool and just simply awesome in just about everything he does in this movie. (And I have also fallen in love with Anna Kendrick since this movie.)
Anyhoo, while this may not exactly be one of my favourite songs in the movie, I still love it and think it's pretty good. (I happen to love the entire soundtrack of this movie, and I even watched The Breakfast Club since watching Pitch Perfect!). I digress, as usual, so yeah, I just decided to share this song first.
Enjoy :)
Anyhoo, while this may not exactly be one of my favourite songs in the movie, I still love it and think it's pretty good. (I happen to love the entire soundtrack of this movie, and I even watched The Breakfast Club since watching Pitch Perfect!). I digress, as usual, so yeah, I just decided to share this song first.
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Things I've learnt today
1. "The higher up the corporate ladder
you climb the smaller your balls get."
We were all
so ripped when we heard this. I'm sure the guy who told us this knew exactly
what he was saying, but he's very good at playing ignorant/naive.
Anyhoo, what
he basically meant by this is (other than to get our attention by insulting
corporate people and their balls): you start off playing soccer in the township,
then you move up the corporate ladder and start playing tennis and what not till
you end up playing golf or the sort which uses smaller balls- as you move up the corporate ladder the
smaller your balls get...
2. Companies get big name celebrities to endorse
their products. Us people on the ground are so taken by these celebrities that
we want to be just like them in whatever way possible, which means using the
same products they use. Or, we trust their judgment and so we will trust a
product used by them... So we as customers will see, like, David Beckham, driving
a Porsche and decide that we too want to drive a Porsche. However, David
Beckham was given the car free of charge by Porsche (or at a ridiculously low price)
to market the product. Their job is done and that car is paid for when we, as
dumb consumers, go and buy a Porsche. However, David Beckham got the car free of
charge, but we will be paying through our asses to pay off that car.
Essentially -
consumers can be really dumb (is that not what this theory is saying...?)
3. If
you buy airtime from Edgars it's likely to last longer than if you buy airtime
from Pep. True story.
Hahaha, okay, not true. Basically what is being said is that people tend to go for
status. A certain status goes with Edgars and people want to be associated with
it, whereas people would rather shy away from an association with Pep, even
though you could save money on airtime. So even though it’s the very same airtime
and you're going to be getting exactly the same thing, and at a discounted
price at Pep, people would rather buy airtime from Edgars. It's just of a
better quality you know.
Friday, February 21, 2014
'Cause that's just life
Sometimes, you just have to bite your tongue and put on a smile and pretend to be happy. Sometimes you just keep pretending to be happy until you've been pretending for so long that you forget you're pretending and you begin to think you really are happy. But you aren't. But you think you are. But you REALLY aren't happy.
And that's just life.
And that's just life.
Monday, January 20, 2014
One of those days
The morning
To start off - I woke up feeling sleepy and needing at least a few more hours sleep. I shoved myself off the bed. Dragged myself into the bathroom and was inching near to being able to possibly deal with the day.After I get out the bath, my dad decides to tell me that I need to go and get my application sorted out today! Today is the deadline! Let me give you the backstory to this so as to understand the situation...
The backstory
As you all know I have had no luck getting anywhere in my field of study, and after the few eggs I had in the nest didn't hatch I decided its time to go back to school. So, about two weeks ago I went to the university and checked up on the courses I could likely do. I found out whatever I needed to know to apply/register and so forth. I got home and told my dad everything that evening, including the fact that the closing date for applications is 20 January. (I unfortunately need financial help). He didn't seem too keen on the idea. So I let it be. I can't expect him to just pay for these further studies now. He mentioned it again once, but yet again, he didn't seem like he really approved. I tried making some headway, but eventually decided to let it go again. That was that. I was quite settled in the idea that this was just not going to happen. I heard nothing about it again.
So that's the backstory, now, back to today
I had gotten out the bath... I went into the kitchen, and I see the application form on the counter. Before I get round to analysing it, my dad comes in and tells me I must sort it all out and get all the information about it. I am quite annoyed and tell him that I told him everything the day I'd gotten it! So he's like well okay then go sort it all out and let me know later... (And I hate having to rush around and get things sorted!)
Panic kicks in
I start panicking and going all insane. I need certified copies of all my documents! I need to fill out the application form! I need to pay the initial application fee and hand in the proof of payment with my application form. Payment needs to be made at the bank and not the university. I do not have online banking/internet banking/mobile banking or anything of the sort. So I have to fill in a deposit slip and physically go to the bank and make the payment. I finish work at 2PM (if I'm lucky and end up getting delayed at work). Banks close around 3/3:30PM. And I'm not sure what time the office I needed to go to closed. My brain is trying to sort through everything and plan out the course of the day while I rummaged through my room trying to find all my documents. And lucky am I - I have no certified copies at all. I'd used my last certified copies to apply for a bunch of jobs that, hoorah hoorah, I didn't get.
Getting to work
I'm going craze and freaking out and still needing to get ready for work and leave! I managed to shovel a slice of toast down my throat and pour a bit of tea in after it and dashed out of the house minutes later than my intended departure time. And believe me, every minute makes a difference in morning traffic. EVERY SINGLE MINUTE! AND, I hit traffic. So so bad! I got to work much later than I hoped to. And the drive there was just pure torture and had me in a sweaty, moody huff by the time I got to the office.
So I got to work in a less than ideal mood. Thankfully there were no lizards! (None within view at least). I tried to fill out the application form, but I didn't get far 'cause there was just not enough time. The working stay started off a bit slow. Then I got into trouble for a miscommunication error that caused a stack of letters to not be sent out on time. I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown then and there for not having prevented the error from occurring. But, luckily, the matter wasn't too urgent and there is still time for it. So the letters can just be sent out by early this week.
The rest of the day at work was jam packed. Work kept piling on from three different directions and time and space was scarce. I didn't even have time to eat a full lunch. And barely had time to gulp down large sips of water here and there. We left work after 2PM.
Getting my ish sorted out
Having left work after 2PM I was in a much more panicky state than I had started off in that morning. I had originally decided to go to the Liberty Midlands Mall and get everything sorted out there then head to the university. However, my colleague advised me to rather go to Parklane shopping centre. I asked her if there was a Standard Bank there, as I'm not too familiar with Parklane, and she told me there was. I get there and manage to locate the post office and get my stuff certified easy peasy. However, Rhodes had to go and much up my life and be difficult and make the degree certificates A3 sized instead of just good old regular sized. So I could not get a copy of my degree. I then went in search of a Standard Bank, to find that one does not exist at that location. So I had to go through more traffic to get to a Standard Bank. The Bank isn't busy so I think I'm homefree. Only one problem - I didn't have any cash. And turns out you cannot swipe a debit card with a deposit slip to make a payment. The teller wasn't even nice about it. She just gave me a bulldog look and told me no.
Just my luck, it was a stand alone building. I bank with a different bank. So I could not just step outside and withdraw the money. And the closest ATM for my bank, was not exactly close. Needless to say, I ended up going to the place I'd originally planned on going to! (Yet again it is proven that my initial instincts are usually right).
I get to the mall and realise that my phone is missing. Seriously?! I realised I didn't have it when I had gone into Standard bank but I thought I had left it in the car. I couldn't find it! I am on the verge of losing it completely now. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I need to get this application in or everything I have been through all day will have been for nothing. I want to just break down and cry - I feel it right there. But, I pull myself together and journey on. I withdraw the cash. Go and make the deposit. The only thing on my mind is my phone.
I contemplate going to 8ta and asking them if they can track my phone. Halfway there I turn around and go back to the car - what if the phone is in the car and I make them track it and waste their time and end up looking such a fool. I do NOT lose phones. I always know where my phone is (unless I'm at home - there I lose my phone every 5 minutes). But not when I'm out. The phone MUST be somewhere in the car. Unfortunately I don't have another phone to phone it and check... And I cannot find it within eyesight. I looked practically everywhere in the car.
Now, to retrace my steps or to go sort out the application. I decide I rather sort out the application 'cause I'm not sure where to start with the phone search. I don't really want to deal with traffic. And I rather just get the application sorted out, get that out of the way and then deal with the rest of life.
So I go to campus, get all my stuff sorted out (the lady there is so friendly and helpful! Just had to mention it, its so hard to find people who are actually helpful or even useful these days). I then decide to just go to Makro and see Sahil. I am going to break down. I need someone there.
Good thing I decided that. After sharing my tales of woe and despair we decide to check the car again. Its always better to have a second pair of eyes. And, he's got a phone to call my phone with. He rings me, and we hear the phone ringing! But we cannot find it! We searched and searched! Eventually I realise it can only be in one place. It had fallen into the gear box! (Well that space around there if I'm using the incorrect terminology - cars aren't really my thing).
I was so relieved. I almost forgot the traumatic day I had. I guess I can see the silver lining in there. Yeah, I had a rough day, but all worked out in the head. My application has been submitted and I found my phone! But, I still need to email the lady of that darn degree and if I wasn't rushing around my phone would have most likely not fallen into the gear box thingy.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Love is not unconditional
Call me unromantic and a cynic and what not, but love is NOT unconditional. That is realistic. And anyone who disagrees is naive, ignorant and immature and clearly hasn't truly experienced life. (Or maybe they've just lived an extremely sheltered life... In that case, awww, how sweet).
But, yeah, love is not unconditional. Neither does it conquer all. Nor is it all you need or simply "enough". Sure love is important and you do need it in life. But, honey, you also need money, wisdom, space, understanding and a good ol' dash of realism, amongst other things which are just too many to list.
Basically, love goes hand in hand with a bunch of other stuff in the real world. And love dies. Yes, it does. It slowly fades away. It grows apart. It becomes incompatible. Or it simply just dies. For whatever reason, it just does not last forever. Forever is for fairy tales and romantic movies/romantic comedies. I'm not saying that all love is doomed, that no love will last forever, sure, you get those that last, but you cannot expect it to be all peachy and the same throughout... It changes. But, that is not what this post is about, so let me just leave that there (maybe for another day... or not).
So you're probably thinking I must have just gone through a harsh break-up or been seriously hurt recently for me to be writing about this. But, I haven't.
Sometimes, when you read a book, you come across something that just makes SO much sense. And it just speaks to you. You feel it. And you just agree with it so completely. It feels like the writer was in your head and managed to put your thoughts and/or opinions down on paper into words you just could not form. And they managed to make perfect sense of it when all you managed to do was expel a bunch of gibberish from your mouth.
This happens to me a lot (also, sometimes I just find a passage that is just so "pretty", for lack of a better word. This must sound looney, but if you're a reader, you know what I'm talking about... If not, o well.) So, yeah, this time I decided to share.
I'm currently reading Patricia Cornwell's "Red Mist" (by the way, I've only been reading Patricia Cornwell novels for the past few months, at first I was skeptical, but I've managed to fall in love - fall in love haha). I came across this passage. Its by Dr Kay Scarpetta (the lead character).
"You really can't love unconditionally. People can burn and beat love out of you. They really can kill it, and it's not your fault you don't feel it anymore, and how liberating it is to finally realize that. Love isn't for better or for worse, through thick or thin. It damn well shouldn't be. " - Dr. Kay Scarpetta, Red Mist
So you see - love is not unconditional. Love cannot be unconditional.
But, yeah, love is not unconditional. Neither does it conquer all. Nor is it all you need or simply "enough". Sure love is important and you do need it in life. But, honey, you also need money, wisdom, space, understanding and a good ol' dash of realism, amongst other things which are just too many to list.
Basically, love goes hand in hand with a bunch of other stuff in the real world. And love dies. Yes, it does. It slowly fades away. It grows apart. It becomes incompatible. Or it simply just dies. For whatever reason, it just does not last forever. Forever is for fairy tales and romantic movies/romantic comedies. I'm not saying that all love is doomed, that no love will last forever, sure, you get those that last, but you cannot expect it to be all peachy and the same throughout... It changes. But, that is not what this post is about, so let me just leave that there (maybe for another day... or not).
So you're probably thinking I must have just gone through a harsh break-up or been seriously hurt recently for me to be writing about this. But, I haven't.
Sometimes, when you read a book, you come across something that just makes SO much sense. And it just speaks to you. You feel it. And you just agree with it so completely. It feels like the writer was in your head and managed to put your thoughts and/or opinions down on paper into words you just could not form. And they managed to make perfect sense of it when all you managed to do was expel a bunch of gibberish from your mouth.
This happens to me a lot (also, sometimes I just find a passage that is just so "pretty", for lack of a better word. This must sound looney, but if you're a reader, you know what I'm talking about... If not, o well.) So, yeah, this time I decided to share.
I'm currently reading Patricia Cornwell's "Red Mist" (by the way, I've only been reading Patricia Cornwell novels for the past few months, at first I was skeptical, but I've managed to fall in love - fall in love haha). I came across this passage. Its by Dr Kay Scarpetta (the lead character).
"You really can't love unconditionally. People can burn and beat love out of you. They really can kill it, and it's not your fault you don't feel it anymore, and how liberating it is to finally realize that. Love isn't for better or for worse, through thick or thin. It damn well shouldn't be. " - Dr. Kay Scarpetta, Red Mist
So you see - love is not unconditional. Love cannot be unconditional.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Traffic is bliss
Picture taken from Google |
I started work last week (the 6th of January). I assumed most people would be getting back to work then too. So I was expecting traffic. But (and for once it's a GOOD but!), there was practically NO traffic! There were a handful of cars on the road. I reached work in 15 minutes at a cruise. No stress. No worries. Just a calm, peaceful drive.
I head off for work today. Expecting to have a chilled ride to work. School is only back on Wednesday so I don't need to worry about the brats making my life difficult yet again. (It's seriously a catch 22 situation with these kids - I want them back at school so that the malls and basically everywhere will be more peaceful, BUT, them going back to school means more morning traffic... You just cannot win with these kids hey). I leave home. And just down the road from my house - BAM! Cars everywhere!
So, clearly most people are back to work today (lucky dogs). (Maybe I can count this as prep for Wednesday...) Anyhoo, I am now going to have to work out the best time for me to leave home so as to incur the least amount of traffic. I will work on a trial and error method during the course of the week, with different times and routes. And hopefully by Friday I will have found a way to get to work with minimal traffic encounters.
Happy driving folks :)
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Hi, my middle name is Rejection
It's now going on the third year that I am unemployed. Okay, so technically I'm NOT unemployed - I've been working as a sort of pseudo secretary since July 2012. But, that is NOT what I studied for. It is not what I spent tons of money studying to do! I'm a writer. That's what I want to be paid to do! Alas, no one seems to agree with me. And they just don't think I'm good enough. So, what to do... *shoulder shrug*
Last year I applied for the Times media scholarship. Thinking, hey this is ideal, its perfect for me - no prior work experience required and you're taken on as an intern to learn the ropes and then see how you fair...
I put my all into that application. I prayed about it every night. And I actually had a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, this is what I was waiting for. This is my opportunity. But, I was not good enough. The final date to be notified if you were accepted came and went. I heard nothing. And it was left to me to assume that I did not get a position for the internship. No, "we regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful" or anything. Just nothing. It would have been nice if they at least let me know it was unsuccessful and why. So that at least in the future I will know what to work on to better my applications and writing... But hey, they don't have the time to waste on us little people struggling out here for just a sliver of something.
So, this is the piece I wrote on the topic we were given. It was a bit of a difficult topic for me to write about as it's not my particular forte, but I did give it my all. So maybe you guys can give it a read and help me out... Let me know where I went wrong, what more I could have done, what I could have added or what I should have excluded, what I could have rephrased and so on...
Last year I applied for the Times media scholarship. Thinking, hey this is ideal, its perfect for me - no prior work experience required and you're taken on as an intern to learn the ropes and then see how you fair...
I put my all into that application. I prayed about it every night. And I actually had a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, this is what I was waiting for. This is my opportunity. But, I was not good enough. The final date to be notified if you were accepted came and went. I heard nothing. And it was left to me to assume that I did not get a position for the internship. No, "we regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful" or anything. Just nothing. It would have been nice if they at least let me know it was unsuccessful and why. So that at least in the future I will know what to work on to better my applications and writing... But hey, they don't have the time to waste on us little people struggling out here for just a sliver of something.
So, this is the piece I wrote on the topic we were given. It was a bit of a difficult topic for me to write about as it's not my particular forte, but I did give it my all. So maybe you guys can give it a read and help me out... Let me know where I went wrong, what more I could have done, what I could have added or what I should have excluded, what I could have rephrased and so on...
Who cares? Politics,
Elections and SA’s young generation.
“Crippled by a faltering education system, and unable
to create and
sustain new jobs,
young – together with the
social context
they represent – have in the words of
the National Planning Commission (NPC) become
our ‘single greatest risk to
social stability’, ‘likely to rebel
if left with no
alternative but unemployment
and poverty’ and a potential ‘hazard and a lost resource to society’.”
– This is
how South Africa’s youth of today
are viewed, writes Lefko-Everett in the SA Reconciliation Barometer Survey: 2012 Report.
It’s now 19 years on
being a democracy
for South Africa and
the youth is
no longer made up
of those who
faced the “struggle”.
Apartheid is nothing
more than a history lesson to
the young generation
of today. Thus,
political parties can no longer rely
solely on loyalty based on
a common “enemy”
or “struggle”. The youth of
today expect more
than a government
that is riding
on the coattails
of the apartheid
Despite the negative “common” view young
South African’s see themselves
as “confident,
active and creative” and “they are
optimistic about the
future”, according to the SA Reconciliation
Barometer survey. The young generation
of today see their
future as important
and their decision making would thus
be motivated by that
On “”, Motshwane, a grade
learner is quoted as
saying, “My vote
will most probably be motivated by what
I want for my future.”
What is the point of
investing one’s time and
energy in a government that puts
forward a vision
of a bleak
According to Statistics SA “Between
Q4:2012 and Q1:2013
unemployment increased by 100
000 to 4.6 million resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate to
25.2%.” In the SAPS crime stats for
2012/2013 it states that “murder
increased by 0.6%”, “aggravated robbery increased by 1.2%”,
residential burglary “increased by 3.3%” and “theft out of or from
motor vehicles increased by 3.6%”. With
statistics like these one cannot
blame the common citizen, let alone
the youth, for becoming disillusioned by our political system.
When delving into political
matters it is of more
concern that the
involvement would be
to the betterment
of the nation
as a whole.
That one may be investing in a brighter future for
themselves and others
as well as
for future generations
(rather than sustain a system that
promotes instability for the
In an article
on The Southern African NGO Network
(SANGONet), Lauren Tracey,
writes that some of
the youth “have
opted out of democratic processes such as elections
due to the disinterest
of the ruling elite
in responding to their
interests.” This is reinforced by 19-year-old
Thabiso who says
that, “There is
no need for
me to take
part in politics where everyone
thinks only of
his family and close
friends. Being a
comrade now is no longer
about the development of black
people or the country, but is all about personal gain”.
Tracey writes, “South Africa’s
youth is often seen
as a ‘lost
generation’; one with
no causes or political
purpose, an apathetic generation.” A generation
a “who cares” attitude. But is
this really
true? With the state
of South Africa at
the moment, more especially the political state, can
one really be
blamed for being
apathetic? (Where one has
to live in
the hope that
their one vote
MIGHT just make a difference against the masses of
However, it might be
argued that South Africa’s young generation
does care. They
care about their future and the
future of their
country. They just
don’t care to
fight for these
causes in a system that is
against them.
Friday, January 10, 2014
First read of the year
A bit late, yes. But, better late...
Sooo, my first read for the year is "Heroes of Olympus: The House of Hades" - awesome book to start the year off with.
At first it was a bit slow getting into the book. And also a little confusing as I couldn't really remember much of what had happened in "The Mark of Athena" - I couldn't remember the ending, or pretty much anything! And, I have no idea where I left my copy of "The Mark of Athena" so I couldn't just go back and skim it over.
But, slowly, as I delved deeper into The House of Hades I managed to piece things together. I still cannot remember how The Mark of Athena ended, but I managed to make sense of The House of Hades.
When I first realised the next installment in the "Heroes of Olympus" series was out I was so ecstatic. I hate the long wait between the book I've just read and the one to come. Especially when the previous book ends on a cliffhanger! Sometimes I think it would just be better to just wait till all the books have been released then read them all one after another, but then I just can't wait!
So, anyhoo, to get back to what I was saying... I was excited that "The House of Hades" was finally out. But, as I said earlier, I couldn't really remember all of the back story. And that takes away the ability to fully enjoy the book. So I wasn't really into the story at first. Hence, it took me so long to get through. And I also found that I seemed to be finding the story a bit boring and predictable. Like, the heroes are all hunky-dory, but then they have to face this huge challenge, and it seems completely impossible and there's beyond any hope of them winning this one... then, BAM, some miracle or the other happens and they make it through... Sure, they get roughed up a bit, they may lose some stuff along the way... But in the end all's alright...
And so I was finding myself a little annoyed and bored. Also, the number of spelling and grammatical errors in this book! Gosh, its an eyesore. At certain points it was almost torture! Sure, a book is quite dense and so you expect one or two errors here and there - I've come across them in many books. But there is a limit. And the errors in this book have crossed the limit. Editors exist for a reason. I'm sure such a big name book, published by a big name publishing company, (the Penguin Group is a pretty big publishing company, aint it?) would have to go through quite the editing process before being published... I expect better from this series, even if it is a children's novel. I'm sure even kids know the difference between "he's and his" and when to use which...
Anyhoo, I pushed through all of that, and found that deep down, I still love Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, and even Nico di Angelo. And that even if it is a bit predictable, its still enjoyable, and that as you read you still grow with the characters. And every now and then, there might just be a little twist here and there.
Therefore, though it was touch and go for a bit, Heroes of Olympus still rocks. And I now await the release of "Heroes of Olympus - The Blood of Olympus".
Sooo, my first read for the year is "Heroes of Olympus: The House of Hades" - awesome book to start the year off with.
But, slowly, as I delved deeper into The House of Hades I managed to piece things together. I still cannot remember how The Mark of Athena ended, but I managed to make sense of The House of Hades.
When I first realised the next installment in the "Heroes of Olympus" series was out I was so ecstatic. I hate the long wait between the book I've just read and the one to come. Especially when the previous book ends on a cliffhanger! Sometimes I think it would just be better to just wait till all the books have been released then read them all one after another, but then I just can't wait!
So, anyhoo, to get back to what I was saying... I was excited that "The House of Hades" was finally out. But, as I said earlier, I couldn't really remember all of the back story. And that takes away the ability to fully enjoy the book. So I wasn't really into the story at first. Hence, it took me so long to get through. And I also found that I seemed to be finding the story a bit boring and predictable. Like, the heroes are all hunky-dory, but then they have to face this huge challenge, and it seems completely impossible and there's beyond any hope of them winning this one... then, BAM, some miracle or the other happens and they make it through... Sure, they get roughed up a bit, they may lose some stuff along the way... But in the end all's alright...
And so I was finding myself a little annoyed and bored. Also, the number of spelling and grammatical errors in this book! Gosh, its an eyesore. At certain points it was almost torture! Sure, a book is quite dense and so you expect one or two errors here and there - I've come across them in many books. But there is a limit. And the errors in this book have crossed the limit. Editors exist for a reason. I'm sure such a big name book, published by a big name publishing company, (the Penguin Group is a pretty big publishing company, aint it?) would have to go through quite the editing process before being published... I expect better from this series, even if it is a children's novel. I'm sure even kids know the difference between "he's and his" and when to use which...
Anyhoo, I pushed through all of that, and found that deep down, I still love Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, and even Nico di Angelo. And that even if it is a bit predictable, its still enjoyable, and that as you read you still grow with the characters. And every now and then, there might just be a little twist here and there.
Therefore, though it was touch and go for a bit, Heroes of Olympus still rocks. And I now await the release of "Heroes of Olympus - The Blood of Olympus".
And I'm looking forward to all the books to read for this year.
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