Sunday, February 22, 2015

When your alarm doesn't go off...

Your sleep breaks. You need to pee. It's dark outside. You assume it's still either late night or super early morning. You go back to sleep leaving the waking up on time responsibility to your alarm...

You suddenly wake up with a fright (you have no idea why). Everything is super bright and radiating sunshine through your windows. You're confused. You look at your phone to check the time... Your phone is DEAD!

You JUMP out of bed. Dart downstairs to the nearest clock. It's 6:40 AM! Your alarm is set for 5:30 AM. You usually leave home between 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM.

You RUN back to your room. Grab all your toiletries. Run to the shower. Have a supersonic shower whilst brushing your teeth.

You put on the first set of clothes you can find and that's easiest to get on. Shove on the closest pair of slip-on shoes. Slap on some deodorant. This is a NECESSITY, there is no time for cosmetic nonsense such as lotion and what not.

Grab your bag and race downstairs (you are in a race against time - yes, I said it).

Shovel cereal down your throat. Throw the dishes in the sink. Those can be washed later! Grab your lunch (forget your water bottle).Run to the car and prepare for the battle against traffic.

It's your lucky day! Traffic is relatively minimal. The universe is on your side - for ONCE. You make it to work at 7:35 AM. You're early. And what's more - you're the first one at the office.

You count yourself lucky (along with your blessings) - you could have very easily ended up reaching work after 8:00 AM and had to have explained yourself to the boss.

*Super sigh*

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