Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, Hallelujah!

Good morning world :)

It's a great morning in the Grahamstown today :) Hope everyone is feeling good and cheerful...I've been to church this morning :) Lol, ja my first time since I've been here this year...I plan on deepening my spiritual life this year. It really took a fall last year and this is my year to put God first and stop taking Him for granted. It's so easy to just forget about God and be sidetracked...You come here and you're like 'I'm here to study and don't have time for anything else...' And you don't think going to church is essential, especially when you could be working in that time (even though you don't) or you could catch up on some shut eye and laziness overcomes you...

I know it all too well, I've been there...and I guess I sort of am still there...I've been in the Gtown for 3 weeks, and this is my first time at church...I've found that its a lot better when you have company. At the beginning of last year when I had company I found it a lot easier to get up, get ready and go to church, but then my friend found her place somewhere else and I found my place somewhere else...And I'm not a person who really makes friends easily...So I still don't really have anyone to go with me to church, but I really want to interact with other Christians, so I've gotten my friends to be tough on me and make sure I'm out of bed and my butt is leaving res by 8:00am on a Sunday morning.

Lol, ja I know, its having quite high expectations for so early in the morning, wouldn't the later service be better...But I prefer starting my day of early...Anything to get me out of bed and to an early start is good. And getting that time at church with God and His people, and starting of my day and week with that is just a sort of good start, I think.

Keeping your sights set on God is not always easy. It sounds real bad to say this, but I know its true. It's just not that easy to keep your focus...You really need to keep your head about things and keep praying and always trying to keep in touch with God. The best way to really keep in touch is always to keep in touch with God's people. I never believed this before, but I've come to realise how necessary fellowship is. Just chilling on your own and praying and talking to God is good, but it doesn't really build you up spiritually...And you don't really grow much... By fellow-shipping with other Christians, you can hear other peoples stories and can share in your problems...Even if you don't want to share, just having people to share God with is awesome!:)

Well, I'm happy now. I know I still need to work on my relationship with God. Just going to church is not a relationship with God. So I'm going to be trying... Hope you all have a blessed day and week ahead:)

Be blessed :)

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