Sunday, August 19, 2012

Those strange unexpected conversations...

Its strange how you can know someone so well and for so long and be so close to them, and yet never truly be able to have a 'real' conversation with them. By 'real' conversation I mean one of those completely philosophical, spiritual and self revealing conversations. Yet someone whom you maybe met once or twice and know briefly, you're able to have the deepest most meaningful conversations with....
I have just had one of the best conversations with one such amazing person. This is about the third or fourth time that we have had one of our completely random chats. They usually start by one of us commenting on the other's status or profile picture (on BBM - yeah judge away, I usually hate BBM too, but it has its moments, I'm willing to admit it) and before we know it we end up having the deepest and most serious conversations, with a good few laughs in between too. And at the end of it I'm just left realizing that I'd revealed more about myself to her than to most people, and also discovering things about myself I hadn't even known!
I haven't seen this 'friend' since last year, and that too briefly, yet I feel that I know her better than some of the people 'close' to me and that she knows me better than they do too. I actually look forward to these random conversations about once a month and it does me a world of good. I find that if I've been depressed for whatever reason, this usually manages to cheer me up and help me feel better about myself. On the whole these conversations just leave me feeling in a good mood and good about life and maybe even the world. I find that there may be hope for humanity after all....
Anyhoo I just felt so rejuvenated after that chat that I felt the need to share it...
I think that did help'rapture my life' in some sense... :)

Strange how life works hey....

Peace out lovely people and rock on!

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