Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Ahem... Something I NEVER thought I would EVER say, but here goes - I read Twilight (the first book in the "Twilight saga") aaaaaand I LOVED it!

Okay so I've already discovered (and admitted to a few) that I'm a closet romantic and complete girly girl over certain things, such as romances and SHOES (how could I NOT mention shoes?!). Gosh I almost got sidetracked there... But anyhoo, yes, I'm a complete sop for love stories, but I never thought I'd be a Twilight fan!

I happened to be introduced to Twilight with the movie, which happens to be the worst introduction to the Twilight saga. A friend and I decided to watch the movie on a whim, and we made fun of it the entire way through. We could not believe how lame it was. Like REALLY, could a movie BE any more lame?! And the line where Edward goes: "you're my own personal brand of heroin" - who SAYS stuff like that?! And as for Kirsten Stewart as Bella, GOSH! She completely murders the role. I could have done a better job (though I do fancy myself an actress, so it could just be my bias...). But truly, COULD they have chosen a worse actress to play Bella... Robert Pattinson as Edward I don't really mind. If the movie were made differently on the whole I think he's a good actor as Edward. If I were making the movie I'm not sure if I'd use him, but I do think he'd make a good Edward under better circumstances... As for Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black - they could not have picked a more perfect actor for the role.  He carries   the role of extremely well and really brings the character to life for me. Especially when you look at his complete transformation from the first movie to the second - which goes perfectly with his transformation from the innocent, naive boy to the more knowledgeable young man.

While reading the book I didn't mind having the image of Taylor Lautner as Jacbob in my mind - in fact, I actually drew on that image... However, yet again the movie proved to be an annoyance to me, I battled to get Kirsten Stewart out of my head as Bella. I tried ever so hard to remove that horrible image from my mind, but it was oh so difficult :( Especially seen as the version of the book I read had HER on the cover!
I'm one of those people who likes forming my own images of the character in my mind when reading, and so this was very painful for me. Especially when I realized that Bella was NOT the character depicted by Kirsten Stewart (at least not to me anyway).

But, despite these hindrances, I managed to make it through the book, and still love it. Bella IS a bit of a desperate case at times when it comes to Edward, but I'm able to see pass that, and shes actually a very likable person. I find that I'm able to relate to her as a very clumsy person whose always falling over herself and tripping on nothing, and getting into awkward situations when there is none! Also her awkwardness on the whole and her prior unpopularity and her appreciation of personal space... She's just a character that has my heart from the beginning (whereas in the movie I would NEVER see Bella as someone I could like, much less relate to).

Another thing about the book is that it's absolutely hilarious! I would have never guessed. I know that the Breaking Dawn movie part 1 was really funny, but I'm not sure they'd intended it to be... So I pretty much didn't expect this book to funny in the least, especially not after the movie. But I found myself sitting in my room in the middle of the night laughing like a lunatic. From the things Bella does and her sarcasm to Edward and his amusement of Bella and his treatment of her and well, I can't even think of them all at the moment, but there are so many moments where I actually just stopped reading and laughed. It's actually the most I've laughed when reading a book in a long time (if not on the whole).

All I can say is that I love this book. It reminds me of The Immortals series by Alyson Noel. I'm actually thinking of buying myself a copy of the Twilight saga books (I read a borrowed copy). It's THAT good. And I know that I'd actually read it again  -  just for a good laugh. My biggest regret is not having read the books before watching the movies. And lets just say, if I were Stephanie Meyer, I'd sue the people who made the movies...

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